Violetta Bon Moretti is the current Don of Citric Dolls. She is the granddaughter of the first leader of Citric Dolls and her father was once head of Citric Dolls too until he passed away during the previous election-competition. Four years ago, Violetta took over Citric Dolls at the age of 20 after eliminating the previous head at that time. Her initial rise to position as Don was met with controversy, but any opposition were all quickly snuffed out. As the Don, she is in charge of making the decisions for the mafia, handling the income of Citric Dolls, and solving any disputes. Though Violetta defer most missions to her subordinates, she occasionally hosts meetings with rich, influential clients who are not considered to be threats.

Violetta is an ambitious, confident, and outspoken leader, determined to continue to expand the wealth and power of Citric Dolls. Perhaps even more than any of the previous ones before her. Although she may be ruthless at times, she does value those who work under her. So long as they meet expectations, they will be rewarded for their efforts. It seems that her only soft spot is reserved for her twin.

Limoncello Bon Moretti is Violetta’s twin brother and her closest confidant. He serves the role of the underboss, assisting his sister in developing strategies, ensuring that all plans are foolproof, and managing the mafia’s day-to-day affairs. Whereas Viola primarily focuses on dealing with those within the Sun gate, Limoncello works with individuals from every region of the city so long as they are willing to pay the price for the mafia’s aid.

Contrasted with Violetta’s short temper, Limoncello is even-mannered, amiable, and pragmatic. He prefers to play the role of the good cop to Violetta’s bad cop. He maintains a friendly relationship with members of the mafia, having grown up with and worked alongside several of them during his teenage years. Although he is not nearly as feared as his sister, Limoncello is still well respected by other members of Citric Dolls.



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Oculaes were first discovered over a 100 years ago with the first sightings being in the underground tunnels of Acidity City. It is presumed they lived there to protect their eyes and to protect themselves against humans. After their discovery, they experienced many dangers as humans sought to kidnap them either for experimentation or to harvest their organs, in particular their unique eyes. As a response to these issues and the lack of help from the city’s government, the oculaes took it upon themselves to form small gangs that would eventually join to form the mafia now known as Citric Dolls. After winning the election 60 years ago, they made a series of changes in the city designed to grant rights and powers to oculaes whilst simultaneously hurting the black market economy. Since then, the Citric Dolls and oculaes have been able to retain a space for themselves within the Sun Gate, primarily in the entertainment and fashion industry. They remain a powerful force to be reckoned with to this day. For the full background, please feel free to continue reading below though it is not required.

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The history of the alien species within Acidity City is shrouded in mystery with little information or records of when they first arrived and how. The first sighting of them was estimated to be about over a century ago when they were discovered within abandoned underground tunnels. It seems they made the tunnels their choice of residence as a way of protecting their eyes from the light and as a way of staying away from humans. Not much is known about their past beyond this as the oculaes spoke little of their home planet, only suggesting that they were originally from an extraterrestrial world. Perhaps they may have existed in the city far longer than we ever expected?

Only one thing is clear however: the oculaes had been the object of obsession for researchers, the black market, and the elites of Acidity City since they were first discovered. They were often hunted down and kidnapped either for the purpose of having their body harvested or to be experimented on by researchers looking to learn more about the oculaes. In particular, the oculaes were prized for their vibrant, jewel-like eyes which had captivated the masses who desired to own one for themselves. When neutralized with a base, the eyes could be made into beautiful, glimmering pieces of accessories and decorations. As a result, the discovery of the oculaes had made it significantly more dangerous for them to live within the city. For several decades, there would be little change to their problems.


It was in response to this dilemma that oculaes began fighting back and organizing themselves into small gangs. They came to understand that change within this corrupt city could only be obtained via two things: incredible violence and an incredible amount of money. To take revenge on the humans that targeted them, the oculaes would have to resort to their methods. It was at this time that crimes in the Moon Gate reached an all time high as the gangs of oculaes began harassing shops, committing robbery, and even resorted to murder at times. With what money they have, they would take over certain businesses within the Moon Gate and exploit the work of others. As per usual, the reigning government within the center cared little for suppressing the problems within the Moon Gate and so these gangs were able to prosper. One of these gangs would include the founders of Citric Dolls: Luciano, Nash, Mikaela, and Vitale; all of whom advocated for the merging of the gangs to form the foundations of what is the Citric Dolls today. Through fear, they were able to generate respect and organize the gangs into a more formal crime group. However it was not nearly enough to stop the treatment of oculaes as their efforts could not reach beyond the Moon Gate. And so they turned to the elections.

By the time that the vicennial competition 60 years ago was drawing near, Citric Dolls had already made a name for themselves. Despite the odds stacked against them, led by Luciano, the gang were able to eliminate all their rival leaders and win the competition. An immediate shift spread throughout the city. Under the new rule of the Citric Dolls, the black market and research facilities faced extreme scrutiny and new surveillance. Reforms were passed to protect the oculaes. Above all, they were able to develop a frightening reputation and secure a place for themselves within the Sun Gate. Even after the loss of the past two elections, the Citric Dolls were able to recover their losses and remain a powerful gang within the city.


A range of changes in leader positions and new generations taking over older ones has led the Citric Dolls to undergo some changes within recent years. The mafia has been able to make peace with the black market and at times work closely with them. However, there are still some lingering tensions as sections of the market are still kidnapping and harvesting the eyes of oculaes for sale in secrecy. The Citric Dolls has overtaken most of the entertainment and fashion industry within the city as a means of providing eye coverings and careers for their fellow oculaes. They still continue to hold influence in the Moon Gate as desperate people make for good profit, though their rule within the region has significantly loosened up. Despite these changes, the first and foremost rule of the Citric Dolls has remained consistent throughout the years:


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All members of Citric Dolls are of the city’s main alien species, oculaestis, or oculaes for short. They are best recognized for their vibrant jewel-like eyes and colorful blood and organs, both of which come in the same shades as citrus fruits. Their eyes are extremely sensitive to the light, but where they are lacking in sight, they make up for with their other senses. Most oculaes are pretty much identical to regular humans outside of their eyes and organs, but as with any species, there are genetic variations that lead to some oculaes differing from the norm.

For more information on the history of the oculaes, please refer to #background in the introductions section.

For more details about oculaes, please refer to the general character creation document

For visual reference and inspiration, please feel free to take a look at the Pinterest board for Citric Dolls.


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Due to the sensitivity of their eyes, all oculaes must wear a protective covering for their eyes. Some examples that include blindfolds, masks, helmets, dark tinted glasses, and more. These eye coverings are made of specific materials specially designed to grant oculaes vision while still protecting their eyes.

*If your character’s masks have slits in them, ensure that their eyes are still properly covered.


Suit up and be ready for work! While there is no specific uniform, all members of Citric Dolls are expected to dress formally and elegantly. It is recommended that your attire bear some resemblance to traditional mafia wear. Ensure that your look is presentable while also being suitable for taking on whichever task assigned to you for the day. How you dress reflects back on the mafia as a whole, so keep in mind to look your best even when not handling a mission.

Your attire should be composed of black and/or white with a citrus color of your choice! You are free to include accents of other colors as well so long as the main colors are still present.

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CAPOREGIME | You manage a faction of the mafia and you are responsible for the soldiers within your faction. You are expected to lead and help the soldiers successfully carry out the orders assigned to your faction by Violetta and Limoncello. Within the context of the roleplay, you will not be expected to actually guide the roleplay, but your character may instruct other characters under you from time to time.
SOLDIERS | You are the one involved in doing the dirty works of the mafia from extortion to eliminating enemies to overseeing illegal businesses. You are expected to put yourself on the front lines and risk your life for the family. Under no circumstances shall you disobey any one of a higher ranking than yours.
PERSONAL BIDDER | You are Violetta and Limoncello’s personal bidders, responsible for handling personal deals, auctions, and sales even if it requires treading into enemy territories. Your job can range from selling someone who couldn't pay off their debt to retrieving the eyes of unfortunate oculaes to prevent them from being sold off. You may also occasionally be expected to carry out the same work as soldiers.
MEDIC | You have been recently employed by Violetta and Limoncello for the sake of taking care of any of the members’ injuries. Although you have been initially hired for the purpose of treating wounds, you are still expected to be able to defend yourself as you will be fighting alongside the other members during the competition.
ASSOCIATES | You are not an official member of Citric Dolls, but you still may be involved in their criminal work and enterprises. Associates can have a wide range of duties from virtually carrying out the same duties as a soldier to being a simple errand boy. Some common tasks would be drug dealing, robbery, or running one of the businesses that Citric Dolls own. While your character may have once been an associate, currently this role is reserved for NPCs only.

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Welcome to the Citric Dolls extra section! Below you will find a list and description of businesses, locations, and more affiliated with the Citric Dolls such as the ones captioned above! You may use this section to help build your character’s background. For more information, continue reading

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♛Here is a quick guide on names and meaning♛

Star Ruby Hall | Nickname for celebrity industry dominated by oculaes
Pompomelo | Popular fashion brand and company
Tangelo District | The red light district
Acidity City Orphanages | Sponsored orphanages by state and private businesses
Citron Towers | CD headquarters


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The Star Ruby Halls is a nickname attached to the celebrity industry in Acidity City due to the large quantity of oculaes who enter this industry. The reason for this is due to the influence that the Citric Dolls have over multiple entertainment companies intended to help build a career and fame for oculaes. Portions of these individuals’ profits are given to the mafia as a show of gratitude. Some members of the Citric Dolls may even be one of these said celebrities when not working for the gang. The Star Ruby Halls contain a variety of talents from musicians to actors to models and more!

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Pompomelo is a Citric Dolls affiliated fashion brand and company. The company is run by one of the Citric Dolls’ associates, Cherub. She and her employees work closely with the Citric Dolls and is the primary designer for members of the mafia, including Violetta and Limoncello. Her designs are geared towards residents of the Sun Gate and dictate the fashion trends that come and go. As the brand’s clothings is on the expensive side, it is a luxury for those in the Earth Gate and near impossible to obtain for those in the Moon Gate.

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The Tangelo District is the red light district of the city cluttered with brothels, clubs, bars, and hotels to stay the night. The main one can be found within a section of the Sun Gate with smaller ones located in the other gates as well. It is a lively place that stands out from the rest of the city not only in its shops, but its architectural designs and road structure makes it distinct as well. One would never be able to accidentally walk into this area. Although it is all perfectly legal, there is still stigma attached to this district.

For Citric Dolls, while they do not have control over the entire district, they do operate and support a couple brothels/host/hostess clubs in the area for those that choose to work there. The mafia place strict standards for the businesses they run so there are established rules to help protect the workers (though oculaes are still generally treated with more care). The Tangelo District can also be a good spot for meeting with potential clients and for doing business with drugs with other gangs.

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Deaths are all too common in the city so it is expected that the city would have many orphans. Government sponsored orphanages grant money and support to those who adopt/foster children from them whereas privately sponsored orphanages are ones who receive donations from businesses and gangs such as Citric Dolls. The mafia focuses primarily on providing funds for older kids and in return, some (primarily oculaes) may be recruited to work as associates for a select number of years. Violetta and Limoncello were once also from these orphanages so they take pride in ensuring that the orphanages are able to run efficiently and provide care for those who need it.

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The headquarters of Citric Dolls are located in the Citron towers, a pair of skyscrapers connected by two skyscrapers. It is as luxurious and as extravagant as the other buildings within the Sun Gate. (For examples, click here) The lower floors of the towers function as both a gathering for various celebrity customers, wealthy clients, and big name business partners. The upper floors can only be accessed by members of the mafia and serves as both a place for them to stay and for them to carry out their work. While staying in the upper floors, oculaes are able to remove their eye coverings as these floors have been designed to accommodate the issues of oculaes’ light sensitivity. Special windows and lights are put in place for the members’ comfort and safety. The leader and her brother reside in a loft at the very top of the skyscrapers and no one is allowed to enter this area of the towers without being granted permission.